
School libraries served children
- since the beginning of 19th century
First public libraries appeared
- in the middle of the 19th century
- as part of community cultural centers called chitalishte
- to promote cultural written heritage
- to give equal access to it for all citizens
- to encourage reading and fight illiteracy
- many of them had special areas for children
No special children libraries
Children Departments
- Library materials ? books, textbooks, additional reading
- Lists of recommended books
- Book exhibits
- Programs
- Promotional materials
- Printed materials ? books, periodicals, brochures, pop-up books, board books, picture books
- Media ? CDs, DVDs, cassettes
- Computers, software and connectivity
- Open, attractive and challenging place
- Open stacks
- Learning games
Library Statistics
Public Libraries
Libraries | 3,331 |
Documents | 50,017,537 |
Visits | 9,443,522 |
Loans | 18,061,316 |
Library patrons | 899,735 |
Library patrons under 14 years |
Public Libraries | 294,000 |
Total | 560,520 |
Promotional Reading Programs
Story telling in Ruse Public Library

Story telling Sofia City Library
Children Read to Children Varna Public Library
Story telling at Varna Public Library: a new perspective Marathon of the Reading People

Meetings with authors, artists and publishers
- Authors of books for children read their works
- Publishers present their new books for children
- Artists show their works
Creativity Programs
Children in action
- Children read their works
- Drama productions
- Variety Talent Shows
- Children arts and crafts


Celebrate holidays in Bulgaria
- March 1 ? Martenitsa Day
- May 24 ? Day of the Bulgarian Alphabet
- Easter Day
- March 8 ? International Women?s day
- April 1 ? International Day of Humor
- June 1 ? International Children?s
And share them with friends
Donate a holiday ? a program of the Silistra Public Library in partnership with their partner library in Aurora, Colorado
Information Literacy Programs
Lists of recommended materials
Basic library knowledge programs
- How to search, select, locate and use the books
Web sites for kids
- Library information
- Links to relevant material
Children Book Days
In the second half of April
To celebrate April 23, International Book Day, Bulgarian authors, and important dates like
2004 ? Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (205th anniversary)
2005 ? Hans Christian Andersen (200th anniversary)
Include a number of programs
Story telling; Meetings with authors; Exhibits; Children art and crafts; Various competitions
Summer Programs
Rodina Library - Stara Zagora
Friends of the Book Club
- Collecting of overdue books
- Writing letters to patrons
- Repairing of books
Know the World with Wolly
- Programming on foreign countries? history and geography
The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen
- Fun activities ?modelling; fairy tale illustrations; sidewalk pastels
Music programs for children

Ruse Public Library
Workshop for ideas (since 2002)
Meet friends, share ideas and discuss common issues
Visit museums and learn about their local history
Work with computers and learn about different professions
Engage in artwork and crafts
Perform at a special concert
Participate in ecology initiatives
Publish a virtual newsletter
Children Books Festival
Organized since 1999 by Sliven Public Library and Bulgarian Ministry of Culture. Features: parade; art exhibits; variety talent shows; meeting with authors, discussions, book sales, etc.
Innovative Programs
Dobrich Public Library
- Learn about dangers while surfing on the web
- Acquire practical and ethical on-line skills
- Use new interactive technologies in out-of-school activities
- Encourage family involvement in education
- Virtual club for kids
- Practical guidance for kids and parents
- Developing collection of relevant websites
- Surfing skills sessions
For the Fun of It
2005 Holidays of Books and Reading at Varna Public Library

Check them out
Union of Librarians and Information Services Officers
(Bulgarian Library Association) - http://www.lib.bg
National Festival of Books for Children - http://childbookfest.iradeum.com/
Burgas ? P.K.Yavorov Regional Library - http://www.burglib.org/ Dobrich ? Dora Gabe Library - http://www.libdgabe.dobrich.net/ Ruse ? L. Karavelov Regional Library - http://www.librousse.mlnk.net/ Stara Zagora ? Rodina Library - http://www.rodina-bg.org/ Varna - Pencho Slavejkov Regional Library - http://www.libvar.bg Veliko Turnovo - P.R.Slavejkov Regional Library - http://www.libraryvt.com/
Snejana Ianeva
On behalf of the Union of Librarians and Information Services Officers.
With materials published by Bulgarian libraries on their web sites.
June 26, 2005
Prezentacja przedstawiona na konferencji ALA 2005 Shaping Our Future: Library Services for Youth
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